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Forum: Bicycle of the Month - Challenge
Topic Started By Replies Views Rating Last Post
Sticky Topic STICKY: Suggestions for the next challenge
dmonster 4 4058
Sticky Topic STICKY: Rules & Requirements - Contenders, Please read!
dmonster 0 4000
Topic is Closed Bicycle of the Month of October 2015 - Contenders are.. (closed)
wolverine_x 0 3426
Poll Bicycle of the Month of August 2015 - Contenders are.. (closed)
wolverine_x 4 20028
Poll Bicycle of the Month of June 2015 - Contenders are.. (closed)
wolverine_x 7 38119
Poll Bicycle of the Month of April 2015 - Contenders are.. (closed)
wolverine_x 6 4341
Poll Bicycle of the Month of February 2015 - Contenders are.. (closed)
wolverine_x 6 21645
Poll Bicycle of the Month of December 2014 - Contenders are.. (closed)
wolverine_x 8 24839
Poll Bicycle of the Month of October 2014 - Contenders are.. (closed)
wolverine_x 5 12740
Poll Bicycle of the Month of August 2014 - Contenders are.. (closed)
wolverine_x 11 21494
Poll Bicycle of the Month of June 2014 - Contenders are... (closed)
wolverine_x 7 13429
Poll Bicycle of the Month of April 2014 - Contenders are... (closed)
wolverine_x 5 19446
Poll Bicycle of the Month of March 2014 - Contenders are... (closed)
wolverine_x 6 22325
Poll Bicycle of the Month of February 2014 - Contenders are... (closed)
wolverine_x 5 29925
Poll Bicycle of the Month of January 2014 - Contenders are... (closed)
wolverine_x 6 36545
Poll Bicycle of the Month of December 2013 - Contenders are... (closed)
wolverine_x 7 38510
Poll Bicycle of the Month of November 2013 - Contenders are... (closed)
wolverine_x 9 40008
Poll Bicycle of the Month of October 2013 - Contenders are... (closed)
wolverine_x 7 36823
Poll Bicycle of the Month of September 2013 - Contenders are... (closed)
wolverine_x 5 29216
Poll Bicycle of the Month of August 2013 - Contenders are... (closed)
wolverine_x 8 47183
Poll Bicycle of the Month of July 2013 - Contenders are... (closed)
dmonster 7 5696
Poll Bicycle of the Month in June 2013 - Contenders are... (closed)
dmonster 6 5967
Poll Bicycle of the Month in May 2013 - Contenders are... (closed)
dmonster 10 13517
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This is the ONE forum dedicated to classic and vintage bicycles. Our community consists of enthusiasts and collectors of all genre such as lightweight racers, tourers, track racers, time trials, single speeds, gentleman roadsters, commuters, choppers, cruisers, mountain bikes, mtb, bmx and many more. Classic Vintage Cycles - The forum, features topics of all interest like bicycle restoration tips and informations, classified advertisements, vendors corner, bicycle workshop recommendations and galleries. Join our monthly bicycle challenge, winners will be crown bicycle of the month and will be entered into our bicycle hall of fame. Check out our articles evolve around the classic and vintage bicycle scene. Don't miss out our current activities and event calendar. As part of our continuous effort to create awareness for female riders, we have created, the ladies riding club, a sub-forum exclusively for the ladies only.

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