I bought this frame with my first pay cheque when i came down to work about 2+years ago. i had put the frame up on togo (half heartedly) because i wasn't doing anything with the frame... but i took the post down after i reminded myself of this... "Its a 1978 CIÖCC San Cristobal in my size (48ctc ST and TT!) its a super compact frame and it doesn't always come in this size. not to mentioned its a SAN CRISTOBAL... 1978. Pelizolli started CIÖCC in 1976, and in 1978 when he introduced San Cristobal to the world, it won him many racing tittles. So this is the CIÖCC frame to get. i'm not going to let this poker face go!!"
But the paint was **** (mind my language) and chrome was pitting left right centre. being a purist, i struggle to come to a decision to strip the paint and its beautiful hand painted logo and head badge... and the patina. so poker face really challenged my believe. i met a group of cycling buddies around east side and during one of the rides, they introduced me to uncle ho. he does many many things and one of the thing he can do is chroming! (ok, there are many vendors out there able to do it but...) I wrote to Pelizzoli and he said he could refurbish the frame to its original condition for EUR480 (excluding shipping both ways) Anyway, cut the story short, i went ahead with uncle ho.
Since i'm striping it all down, i wanted something that i'd never think that i will do and do it with a twist... so i told uncle ho i wanted a glossy gold frame. He gave me the price for 24K GOLD plating and well the cheaper alternative, brass. while still being sane, i went with brass (duh!)
Enough of rambling, I'll shut up now and let the pictures do the talking...
The original frame and its colour.. hand painted logos and head badge.. Badly rusted non chain side drive. and a dent to boot
I wanted a gold frame... and got a gold frame.
I wanted a twist... not going to settle for plain black vinyl decals.
(unfortunately, i don't have pictures of the chroming process. it was done during my working hours) and about 2 weeks later (yesterday and today)...
It was about 70% done when i was at his place.
Uncle Ho and his bag of tricks... how to make sure your shifter cables doesn't scratch your frame?
Track style half wrap.
For this build, i've tried on a couple of new things...
have the bike chromed... in bling bling gold.
half wrap...
And the twist is...
... i took all the vinyl decals off after lacquer. i wanted the brass to turn colour naturally to reveal the logos and heed badge. its slowly but surely changing colours. I'll take constant pictures to track the colour change.
Thanks you... but i'm encountering a problem. the previous owner cut the fork too short and now my lock ring is barely threading on to the fork... after some time while riding, it will loosen.. *cries*
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